Ethikal group Canada Inc was fully funded at start-up by its founder and owner. The company is now opening a limited investment opportunity to potential lenders to be either shareowners or just preferred investors. The additional capital will aim at helping the company implement its development and massive production. Three forms of investments are available for those who want to embark on our journey.

1- Crowdfunding

The third alternative would be crowdlending whereby we will instead solicit conventional loans either against shares in the capital of the company or against a return on investment in the form of remuneration at a fixed interest rate.
✅ A partner choses an investment package and pays the required amount.
✅ The partner then determines an investment option (share in company’s capital) or preferred shared Remunerated at a fixed annual rate.

Option1: If the Partner choses to hold company shares, they will be entitled to company dividends Annually or bi-annually prorated by his percentage of shares, and the shares valuation aligned to company valuation.

E.g. if the company makes $40,000 in profits from January to June 2021, investors will receive the Following dividends in July 2021: Bronze: $400 … Silver: $800….Gold: $1400.

Option2: If the Partner choses preferred investment instead, their annual percentage will be compounded monthly and the investor will be able to withdraw the accumulated interest every three months. The accrued amount of interest will be available on their account.

E.g: No matter how the company performs, preferred investors will have their guaranteed ROI as follows: Bronze: $311 … Silver: $795….Gold: $1626.

Investment Starting Interest rate Tax rate Inflation rate Total Interest Total tax Payout Buy Now
Bronze $1500 20% 5% 1.6% $327.55 $16.38 $311.17 Buy Now
Silver $3000 25% 5% 1.6% $837.27 $41.86 $795.41 Buy Now
Gold $5000 30% 5% 1.6% $1,712.31 $85.62 $1626.69 Buy Now

✅ In either case, a shareholder’s or investor agreement will be signed between the investor and Ethikal group Canada Inc.

Crowdlending options examples:

Investment Package Investment Amount Registration fee Investment Amount Value in Shares Preferred rate Buy Now
Bronze $1600 $100 $1500 1% 20% Buy Now
Silver $3200 $200 $3000 2% 25% Buy Now
Gold $5250 $250 $5000 3.5% 30% Buy Now

2- New retail with profit sharing
Ethikal group Canada Inc is a new venture which will feature a New Retail Model, offering up to 50% profit sharing to partners who will buy at wholesale prices products to be sold by the company on the online store. you have access to both ‘retail’ and ‘wholesale’ areas, unlike the other platforms.

What happens is that Partners buy Our products at a wholesale price (just like dealers), But instead of sending them the products, we sell them for them on pour online platforms at retail price within one month. The proceeds are their profit.

✅ A partner buys a smartphone a mobile phone at a retail price of $300. Once the purchase is made, the partner has access to the wholesale section of the platform where he gets the same smartphone for at 50% at $150.
✅ Once you are done buying from the retail and wholesale, you would have spent $450.
✅ Now, after doing the purchase, the smartphone you bought at the retail is shipped to you for you to enjoy it, then, the extra one you bought at the wholesale is listed and sold for you within one month.
✅After the company sells for you (in 30 days time), you will make an amount of $150.
✅This is paid into your account and you can decide to roll over to make more profits or withdraw the money after 60 days.

As a registered corporation, Ethikal Group Canada Inc has the obligation to deduct applicable taxes and to abide by Tax laws and regulations in each country we operate.
Ethikal Group Canada Inc is offering four investment packages under the new retail model.

Retail package Investment Amount Registration fee Investment value 60 days profit  Buy Now
Lithium Blue $350 $50 $300 $55 Buy Now
Lithium Master $570 $90 $480 $90 Buy Now
Lithium Pro $1400 $260 $1140 $250 Buy Now
Lithium Silver $2600 $670 $1980 $450 Buy Now
Lithium Elite $5400 $1300 $4100 $900 Buy Now

Ethikal Group Canada Inc.
Address: 5 Prestwick Street Hamilton, ON L8J0K7
Tel: +19059211845